Group photo Yellowstone Women's retreat

Yellowstone National Park Wilderness Retreat!

Register for our Yellowstone Women’s Retreat now!
August 1-4th

Email: to begin the registration process

Join Wildroots Collective in this special opportunity to experience Yellowstone National Park with an incredible group of other like-minded women

Hosted in Yellowstone National Park, you will have the chance to step away from the busy day-to-day stressors and take action to care for yourself in a powerful way.

One of the best ways to examine and celebrate your beauty and wholeness! This 4-day hosted backpacking journey will give you an incredible opportunity to embark in compassionate self exploration that will build your self awareness and empowerment. You’ll come away feeling more deeply in tune with your intuition and feeling free to authentically navigate your own healing journey.

While backpacking in Yellowstone’s natural beauty, you will also have the opportunity to participate in wilderness yoga sessions, herbalism consultations and group and individual therapeutic prompts. We will explore ways we, as women, navigate our daily lives.

Our goal is for you to leave feeling empowered in your own life and empowered to use your strengths as a force for personal and collective change.

backpacker hiking trail in yellowstoneRegister now to save your spot!

Where: Yellowstone National Park
When: August 1-4
How Much: $1,900 per person, $500 deposit
Guide Team: Licensed therapist, certified herbalists, certified yogi, wilderness first responders.
Maximum Group Size: 7

To register:
or Call (406)212-2456

tent in wilderness, campingTrip includes:

  • Meals: We believe in the value of healthy whole, fresh food while backpacking. We will be providing vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and meats. We can accommodate dietary needs. We also support the learning of camp cooking and backpack food prep and packing.
  • Gear: All the backpacking essentials you will need (tents, backpacks, pads, sleeping bags, cookware, etc). A packing list will be provided for additional personal items including your personal hiking gear. If you have your own gear, feel free to use it! (discount provided if using own gear)
  • All permitting and itinerary planning: National park permitting process, safety logistics planning and oversight. All you have to do is show up and have fun!
  • Daily workshops facilitated by a licensed therapist and certified practitioners. Workshops include: yoga, herbalism consults, facilitated group conversations, meditations and nature based healing. All activities are optional, and personal sharing in the group is not required.
  • End of trip celebration and health treatments hosted at Simply Health Collective at the end of the workshop:
  • Starter pack: (journal, pen, take-home-tea)

Does not include:

  • Transportation to and from the trailhead.
  • Gratuity for guides.

Who is this trip for: Adult women who are interested in exploring their mental, physical and emotional selves in connection to the outdoors and to others. You may be experiencing a challenging life transition or event, you may be feeling stagnant and ready for something different, you may be looking for an opportunity to reconnect with strengths you’ve lost track of or you may be feeling great and want to keep it that way! All backgrounds and intersecting identities are encouraged to join (21 years old and up).

Backcountry experience is not required. Some comfortability in wilderness settings and the ability to walk 3-6 miles and carry 30+ lbs is necessary.

Email: to begin the registration process